The Rock (1996)

“The Rock” is a 1996 action thriller film directed by Michael Bay and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer. The film stars Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, and Ed Harris in leading roles.
The plot centers around a desperate situation in which a group of rogue U.S. Marines, led by Brigadier General Frank Hummel (played by Ed Harris), seize control of Alcatraz Island and take 81 tourists hostage. Hummel threatens to launch rockets armed with deadly VX gas into San Francisco unless the U.S. government pays him $100 million in reparations to the families of Marines who died in covert operations and were denied benefits.
In response, the government enlists the help of Dr. Stanley Goodspeed (played by Nicolas Cage), a mild-mannered FBI chemical weapons expert, and John Mason (played by Sean Connery), a former British SAS captain who is the only man to have ever escaped from Alcatraz. Together, Goodspeed and Mason must navigate the treacherous island, disarm the rockets, and stop Hummel and his men before it’s too late.
“The Rock” is known for its high-octane action sequences, engaging performances, and memorable dialogue. The film was a commercial success and has since become a cult classic, praised for its entertaining blend of intense action and humor.
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