Raised by Wolves (2020)

Raised by Wolves (2020) is an American science fiction television series created by Aaron Guzikowski. The series is produced by Ridley Scott, who also directed the pilot episode, and premiered on HBO Max.
The story is set in a distant future where Earth has been ravaged by a religious war, leading to its collapse. The plot follows two androids, Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim), who are tasked with raising human children on a mysterious and hostile planet known as Kepler-22b. Their goal is to create a new, secular society free from the religious conflicts that destroyed Earth.
As the androids struggle to protect and nurture the children in their care, they face numerous challenges, including the planet’s harsh environment and the appearance of other human settlers with their own agendas. The series explores themes of faith, artificial intelligence, and the nature of humanity as the characters grapple with existential questions and moral dilemmas.
Raised by Wolves is noted for its ambitious world-building, striking visual style, and thought-provoking narrative. The series combines elements of science fiction, drama, and philosophical inquiry, offering a unique and immersive viewing experience. The performances of the cast, particularly Amanda Collin as Mother, have been praised for their depth and complexity.
The show has received positive reviews for its originality, visual effects, and the intriguing questions it raises about human nature and technology. Raised by Wolves stands out as a compelling addition to the science fiction genre, with its rich storytelling and exploration of profound themes.
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