Seized (2020)

Seized is an action thriller film directed by Isaac Florentine and stars Scott Adkins in the lead role. The film is known for its high-octane action sequences and martial arts choreography, characteristic of Adkins’s filmography.
The plot centers around a former special forces operative named Nero (Scott Adkins) who is living a quiet life with his young son.
However, his peaceful existence is shattered when his son is kidnapped by a dangerous criminal organization. The kidnappers demand that Nero carry out a series of dangerous and criminal tasks in exchange for his son’s safety.
As Nero fights to save his son, he must use his combat skills and military training to navigate through a series of intense and violent confrontations.

The film follows his journey as he battles against overwhelming odds, showcasing his expertise in hand-to-hand combat and strategic thinking.

Seized is noted for its fast-paced action, well-choreographed fight scenes, and Scott Adkins’s physical prowess. The film emphasizes its thrilling and suspenseful elements, delivering a high-energy experience for fans of the action genre.
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