The Belko Experiment (2016)

“The Belko Experiment” (2016) is a horror-thriller film directed by Greg McLean and written by James Gunn. The movie is set in an office building where 80 American employees of the Belko Corporation, located in Bogotá, Colombia, find themselves trapped in a deadly social experiment.
The story begins as the employees arrive at work and are suddenly locked inside their high-rise office building. A mysterious voice over the intercom announces that they must participate in a twisted game: kill a specific number of their colleagues within a set time limit, or more people will be killed by the explosive devices implanted in their heads. As the situation escalates, chaos erupts, and the employees are forced to confront the darkest sides of human nature.
The film explores themes of survival, morality, and the influence of authority under extreme circumstances. The employees must decide whether to cooperate with the deadly instructions or try to resist, leading to brutal and violent confrontations as fear and desperation take over.
“The Belko Experiment” is known for its intense violence, dark humor, and social commentary, reflecting on how people respond to life-and-death situations when pushed to their limits. The movie’s blend of horror and psychological tension makes it a gripping watch for fans of high-concept, survival-based thrillers.

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