Person of Interest (2011)

Person of Interest (2011) is a science fiction crime drama television series created by Jonathan Nolan, which aired on CBS from 2011 to 2016. The show revolves around a former CIA operative, John Reese (played by Jim Caviezel), who is recruited by a reclusive billionaire and tech genius, Harold Finch (played by Michael Emerson). Together, they use an advanced surveillance AI system, known simply as “The Machine,” to prevent violent crimes before they happen.
“The Machine” was originally developed by Finch for the government to predict terrorist threats, but it also identifies ordinary people involved in impending crimes. Since the government considers these non-terrorist cases irrelevant, Finch and Reese take it upon themselves to act on this information, saving lives and delivering justice.
As the series progresses, Reese and Finch face numerous adversaries, including powerful organizations and rogue AIs. The show delves into themes such as artificial intelligence, government surveillance, privacy, and moral dilemmas, blending action, mystery, and philosophical questions about technology’s role in society.
“Person of Interest” received critical acclaim for its writing, acting, and thought-provoking themes, becoming a cult favorite among fans of intelligent, character-driven dramas.

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