A Feral World (2020)

A Feral World (2020) is a post-apocalyptic drama directed by David Liban. The film centers around a young boy named Sonny (played by Caleb Liban), who navigates a world devastated by a catastrophic event that has left much of humanity in ruins. Sonny is a survivor, scavenging and fending for himself in a bleak and dangerous landscape where survival is a daily struggle.
The story takes a turn when Sonny meets a grieving mother named Emma (played by Danielle Prall), who is desperately searching for her missing daughter.
Together, they form an unlikely bond as they join forces to navigate the hostile environment and search for Emma’s child. Along the way, they encounter various threats, including violent survivors and the harsh realities of a broken world.
The film focuses on themes of survival, human resilience, and the emotional connections that form in the face of extreme adversity.

A Feral World is a low-budget, indie film that highlights the personal and emotional aspects of surviving in a post-apocalyptic world, rather than focusing solely on action and spectacle.

The performances of the lead actors and the film’s intimate portrayal of loss and hope are among its standout features, offering a more character-driven approach to the post-apocalyptic genre.
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