Time Trap (2017)

Time Trap (2017) is a science fiction thriller directed by Mark Dennis and Ben Foster. The film explores the concept of time dilation and features a gripping, suspenseful plot.
The story revolves around a group of students who, while searching for their missing professor, discover a mysterious cave. Inside the cave, they encounter a strange anomaly that distorts the flow of time.
As they venture deeper, they find themselves trapped in a situation where time behaves erratically, causing hours to feel like minutes and vice versa. The students must navigate the cave while trying to understand and escape the temporal distortion before it’s too late.
Time Trap combines elements of mystery, science fiction, and survival drama. It is praised for its intriguing premise, engaging plot, and the way it explores the implications of time manipulation.

The film delves into themes of perception, reality, and the human experience as the characters struggle to escape the cave and unravel the secrets behind the time distortion.

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