Inhumans (2017)


Inhumans (2017) is a Marvel television series that centers on the royal family of the Inhumans, a group of genetically modified humans with extraordinary abilities, and their struggle for survival after a coup forces them to flee to Earth. The series explores themes of family, loyalty, power, and identity, all set against a backdrop of political intrigue and futuristic technology.

The story begins on the Moon, where the Inhuman Royal Family resides in a hidden city called Attilan. Led by Black Bolt, the king whose voice can destroy anything with a single word, the family includes his wife Medusa, who has the ability to control her hair, and their brother Maximus, who has a deep-seated resentment for his royal family and seeks to overthrow Black Bolt and take the throne for himself.

When Maximus stages a coup, Black Bolt and his family are forced to escape to Earth, where they are hunted by Maximus’ forces. Once on Earth, they must adapt to life among humans, uncover the truth behind Maximus’ actions, and try to reclaim their lost kingdom.

Each member of the royal family struggles with their powers, their position within the royal hierarchy, and the challenges that come with their new, uncertain life.

While the series is marked by moments of action and intrigue, it focuses on the internal conflicts of the royal family, their attempts to hold onto their legacy, and their interactions with both human and Inhuman societies. The show blends the world of superhuman abilities with the emotional and political tension of royal succession, making for a story that examines what it means to rule, to protect, and to survive.

Inhumans (2017) received mixed reviews, particularly for its limited series format and special effects, but it remains an interesting part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Although it was not widely successful in its first run, the show laid the groundwork for future explorations of the Inhumans in Marvel’s extended universe.