Planet Terror (2007)
In Planet Terror, a catastrophic military experiment unleashes a deadly biochemical weapon, transforming those exposed into grotesque, flesh-eating zombies. As chaos engulfs a small Texas town, a ragtag group of survivors bands together in a desperate fight for survival.
The story follows Cherry Darling (Rose McGowan), a go-go dancer with a fiery spirit, and El Wray (Freddy Rodriguez), her mysterious and resourceful ex-boyfriend. When Cherry loses her leg during a zombie attack, El Wray fits her with a makeshift machine gun prosthetic, turning her into an unstoppable warrior.
As the infection spreads, the group, including a rogue scientist, a determined doctor, and a tough-as-nails sheriff, uncovers a sinister conspiracy involving the military and their connection to the outbreak. With relentless zombie hordes closing in, they must escape the infected zone and expose the truth behind the disaster.
Blending over-the-top action, dark humor, and gruesome horror, Planet Terror is a love letter to grindhouse cinema, filled with explosive set pieces, outrageous characters, and an unapologetically wild narrative. Directed by Robert Rodriguez, the film offers a thrilling and gory rollercoaster that keeps audiences on edge while delivering a nostalgic tribute to cult exploitation films.