Boss Level (2020)
Boss Level (2020) is a high-octane, mind-bending action thriller that combines the concept of time loops with intense combat sequences and a touch of dark humor. The film follows Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo), a retired special forces operative who finds himself trapped in a seemingly endless time loop, reliving the same day over and over again. Every time he dies, he wakes up to face the same sequence of events and brutal combat, only to be killed by a group of mercenaries, led by a mysterious figure known as Clive Ventor (Mel Gibson).
The day begins with Roy being assassinated by the mercenaries in various, violent ways. He repeatedly wakes up in the morning, with no memory of how he died the previous day, only to face the same grueling series of events that lead to his death again. As Roy relives the day, he begins to understand that he is not just caught in a mindless loop—there is a purpose behind the repetition.
In an effort to escape the loop and uncover the truth, Roy works tirelessly to outsmart his assailants, trying to gather clues and break free from the cycle.
Along the way, he learns that the loop is connected to a scientific experiment gone wrong, involving Ventor, a tech mogul who is using the loop for his own gain. Additionally, Roy is estranged from his ex-wife, Jemma (Naomi Watts), who has been somehow involved in the experiment.
As Roy battles his way through the loop and learns more about the conspiracy, he must also reconcile his relationship with his son, Aaron (Rio Grillo), who has been unknowingly dragged into the chaos.
As the time loop continues, Roy’s skills and knowledge grow, and he begins to play the game in a way that gives him the upper hand. The film becomes an exhilarating blend of action, mystery, and humor, as Roy fights to find a way to break free of the cycle and expose the dark forces controlling his fate.